Year 9 Food drawings app-ified
comment : 14
Well done Year 9! You created some great work using MegaPhoto and Orange Camera to produce digital art from your tonal sketches and line drawings.
Wait till you see where we go from here…
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Angeline Linnenluke photo
I love how the 3 colours red, yellow and blue makes it look different. It makes the lines stand out when one colour hits the other. It is also cool how it makes it look like it is on different levels of the paper. I really like it!
I really like these photos. The effectiveness of the colors is great. And the effects people have used has really changed it from the original 🙂
I like this photo because it makes more colorful by the app. It look like had three fruits in one picture! It is special ~
I like these pictures because its very fun and give us different type of vision feeling .
I really like the black and white pear Abbey drew. She sketched it very realistically and I like it how she drew more lines on the darker sides of the pear so that it is easy to figure out where the light is shining. Also the lines are curvy which creates an interesting three dimensional effect. The Orange cam effect makes the lines stand out too.
I enjoyed illustrating my piece of artwork (transformation of an apple being eaten) as it is an area of creating I had never really explored before, it was a new, experimental experience that helped me evolve as an artist. The most difficult hurdle I overcame was really looking and noticing the apple’s details to create a credible, photo-realistic image. I usually draw from my minds eye, rather than what I am actually seeing when I look at what I am drawing from. From the little experience I have gained already from this semesters art class I can asess there will be many, many things to look forward to. I cannot wait to increase my art skills by breaking through barriers and becoming a better artist at drawing realistic pictures.
One of the things I enjoyed doing was the using of the apps, I loved looking at all the different effects and the way they changed the photo. The most challenging part of this was the drawing aspect, as I had never drawn with tone/sketching before. Hopefully their is not to much drawing fruits etc in the future.
I love these camera apps they make the pictures amazingly vibrant and original. It was challenging to get the aspect of the apple and keeping the angle of where I drew it. I really looking forward to doing clay work, it is really fun and sculpting in my opinion gives more freedom when I create.
When we used the apps, I enjoyed how there was so many effects there and it gave me many options to choose from. The challenging part of this drawing was drawing the outer bit of the shape. I am most looking for to doing the clay, I have always loved doing it.
I enjoyed taking photos of my drawing with the megaphoto app because it changed the appereance in many interesting and fun ways. I find drawing a 3D shape very challenging, as it’s hard to capture the dimensions but I used the shades as an advantage, which is something I had never done before. I’m looking forward to doing some art with clay models as I enjoyed it in previous years.
I enjoyed using the apps because it has many effect which made the picture more colorful and looks special. The diffcult part was I had to draw the photo like 3D or real from the view that I was. I think IPad gives us many fun from the apps which done on the picture that we draw. Let us saw many sides of picture from the apps.
I enjoyed using the apps such as orange cam to change the picture and create different looks to it. I found realistically drawing the fruits and vegetables, without any outlines difficult and overcame this by using the lines and shapes on the object to help. I am looking forward to developing and learning the different techniques that we will use this semester.
I enjoyed when we did the tonel drawings and sketchings becasue we had to find the light and dark shades and make the drawing realistic. One of the hardest parts was when we had to draw the bite in the apple as we had to get the shading right. I look forward to start painting, so we can start using vibrant colours instead of black and white.
I enjoyed using the ipad apps to enhance my drawing and browsing through the different photo options to help get the most vibrant and appropriate effect for my drawing. I found trying to capture the curves and tones, to make the object look 3D, challenging. I am looking forward to have a better understanding of art and improve my skills of drawing and painting