Fantastic Fish in Art
Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye
“Singapore-based artist Keng Lye creates near life-like sculptures of animals relying on little but paint, resin and a phenomenal sense of perspective. Lye slowly fills bowls, buckets, and boxes with alternating layers of acrylic paint and resin, creating aquatic animal life that looks so real it could almost pass for a photograph. The artist is using a technique very similar to Japanese painter Riusuke Fukahori who was featured on this blog a little over a year ago, though Lye seems to take things a step further by making his paint creations protrude from the surface, adding another level of dimension to a remarkable medium. See much more of this series titled Alive Without Breath over on deviantART.” SOURCE
Underwater Photography of Sea Creatures
“In his unique artistic way, Mark Laita apparently knows how to shoot fish in a manner that appeal to fish lovers. He reveals the beautiful side of our aquatic dwellers through reflections and in rippled water surfaces. Laita takes his keen eye and knack for the visually graceful to another fascinating level in Sea. The many images in the collection reveal the astonishing loveliness, hues, and various species of marine creatures with unparalleled artistry.” SOURCE
Beautiful Warriors: Siamese Fighting Fish, Up Close and Personal
“Photographer Visarute Angkatavanich was looking to expand his body of work selling through microstock sites. When contemplating new subjects, he found the solution right in front of him in his house: his pet fishes. Using his D800 camera and a 105mm f/2.8 macro lens, he went to work.
Being a lover of fish from a young age, the Bangkok-based photographer took photos of his Siamese fighting fish, or Bettas as they are more commonly known. With their colorful appearance and fluid motions, he cleaned their tanks and water as best as he could, set up strobes above and shot away. The result is beautiful and give the impression that the fish are floating in midair and not surrounded by water at all. Check out more of Angkatavanich’s work on his site.” SOURCE
Glowing Fish Made of Plastic Bottles
Botafogo Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has been taken over by two huge fish leaping from the sand and entertaining beach goers with their nightly illumination and unique construction. Each fish was built using hundreds of recycled plastic bottles to bring attention to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as the Rio+20. SOURCE
One last clip to prove that you don’t need special tools to be an underwater photographer – this amateur put their camera in a plastic bottle and held it below the surface…