Freaky Fruit
A miniature kitchen as stop motion magic
Stunning and Disturbing Photographs of Expired Food
Exquisitely arranged and rotting apart, this food is way past its expiration date. Austrian artist Klaus Pichler responds to a United Nations study that says one third of all food products in the world go to waste. Behold — watermelon, eggs, and strawberry cream, engulfed in spores, crawling with maggots, and dripping with putrid liquid. And looking gorgeous! Spotted by Nerdcore, each elaborate, classically arranged still-life in Pichler’s extensive photo essay One Third comes with a full list of sobering figures on each item’s origin, cultivation method, transporting distance, means of transportation, and carbon footprint. The images are strangely appealing, but the food is clearly in severe states of degeneration and terrifying inedible. Yet, it’s the chronic wastefulness of modern food culture that leaves a bad taste in our mouth. SOURCE
Pizza In the Morning, Pizza in the Evening, Pizza At Sleepy Time
Putting a Turkey On Your Head is Rarely A Good Idea
Strange Food
These pages are filled with images of creatures and crazy things made from food.
The Pasta Monster and Other Strange Food
Weird and Tasty Food
Crazy Food Art
Forget pen and Paper
French artist Vivi Mac speed paints using food and wicked wit to create some of the most iconic images of famous historical figures, celebrities, and fictional characters. SOURCE

Chewing Gum City
“Jeremy Laffon created a cityscape and other artwork made from thousands of chewing gum sticks. Man, that’ll take a long time to chew!” SOURCE