QUT A Visual Arts Connected Classroom Snapshot
Further resources from the session can be found on this website. The presentation today was a mash-up of the material you’ll find throughout the site, but key pages are listed below…
Go the the Home Page and scroll down to view these ‘position posts’:
Multi-media Workflows – Mixing Hands-on and digital tools
The Best Bits About iPads in the art room
Two Big Questions about iPads in Art Education
Teacher ‘app-itudes’ are key to teaching with the iPad
Considering iPad Power in task design
Hands-on Creative Workflows in Action
The ‘Daily Monster’ series
Ink Blot Monsters
Daily Monsters Return
The World’s Smallest Monster
‘Making’ Using Magnification – STEAM connections
Stop Motion for the creative classroom
How can you tell if your task is truly creative?
Download my FREE book, ‘iPad Art: Lessons, apps and ideas for the iPad in Visual Arts‘ here
And feel free to make contact if I can be of any further help.