Resources for Participants: Easy-Peasie StopMotion Madness, ISTE 2016, Denver USA
Thank you for your enthusiasm and participation, creative teachers! It was wonderful working with you all in Denver.
Noah Geisel has written a wonderful overview of our stop motion session, and if you need support, just send me an email at cathy@ipadartroom.com – I would absolutely love to hear from you and see some of the work you are doing with your students.
iPad Art Room Books
Download these free books to start your journey with iPads and creative workflows. Written for teachers, you’ll find flexible lesson plans, apps lists and lots of ideas to support teaching and learning in your classroom.
More iPad Art: Lessons, Apps and Ideas for the iPad in Visual Art.
iPad Art: Lessons, apps and ideas for the iPad in Visual Art
Stop Motion Resources
Blank planners/storyboards for stop motion movies:
Key ideas…
Loading up the learning in animation tasks
Animation for beginners
Inspirational stop-motion short films