Stop-motion movie experiments
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Year 8, you worked really hard to create some excellent experiments using stop-motion techniques. I was impressed with your ability to engage with this task and work as part of a team to plan and film your investigations. Your planning process was effective – you all started filming with a clear direction. When things went wrong it was really exciting to see you actively problem solving and helping each other. What a team! I hope you are proud of your efforts and what you accomplished in a really short time (wow – look what you learned in an hour and a half!).
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Last week in visual art we painted our clay fish, and then we made stop motions movies with them. This was an immensely fun task, and I learnt lots of new things. In my group’s film, romance was the key feature. The most important thing I learnt in this activity was the significance of team work. My group worked great as a team, and we all pitched in and helped to create our movie. I think this was because we were all friends and all had the same goal, which was to make a great movie. Even though I am very satisfied with the end product of our movie, if I could change anything I would make it longer. I think if it were to be longer, we could have made a better and more interesting story. I do want to do stop motion in the future. At first I was reluctant to do it, because I thought it might be boring and difficult. But this task was actually one of my favourite tasks we have done so far, and I didn’t have mich difficulty in completing it. I loved working in groups, and I loved being creative and unique with the movies.
The colouring helped to give the movie the right mood and worked with the theme.
You canted move the iPad at all
Shoot it from better angles
We worked very effectively and swithched around rolls so people didn’t get bored.
I would like to make more stop motion because its a fun experience and you get to make adventurous film with only photos.
We figured out that the less the backround moved the better the movie was. We learnt that the movie look bad if there was a hand or object in the way. I would have liked to improve on the light of the back round because it moved around.
Our team work very well we agreed on most things and only made one mastake the hole lession. I would defiantly like to do stop motion in the future agian although it take a while to produce.
What was the most effective technique/idea you used in your film?Why/how?
I think the most effective idea was the scene where the light went dark, which made it predict that something bad was going to happen.
What was the most important thing you learned during the process?
I learnt that in this kind of activity, team work is the real key. Also, I learnt that we had to be very careful on how much we moved the characters.
What would you like to improve/change in your film? Why?
I would like to have improved how we did our stop-motion, we moved the characters too much for some photos, and too small for some of the other photos.
How well did your group work as part of a team? Why? Why not?
Overall, I think we worked pretty well as a group altogether, because we all helped each other and listened too each others opinions.
Would you like to do more stop-motion in the future? Why/why not?
Yes, I would. I would like to do stop-motion in the future again because I believe it is a very exciting and interesting activity to do.
I think having the shark with the two jagged pieces of paper because it was very simplistic and easy. One of the most important things I learned was that you need to be careful with hands so they stay out of shot. I think we need to improve on keeping our hands out of the camera shot. I think we worked well as a team as we listened to each other and helped with jobs. I would love to do stop motion again as it so fun and exciting.
Last lesson in visual arts Charlotte, Lauren, Imogen and I created a romance scenery with a love story to go with it. It was in the sea and Laurens fish was the lady and was looking for love. Imogens and my fish were the sharks that attacked Lauren’s fish. Charlotte’s fish was the hero that saved the lady and they lived happily ever after. It was so fun to create the scene and actually make the video. The thing that would have made our group to improve on the video was to make the fish move slower. We moved them a lot and we should have made them swim instead of just jumping through the sea. Our group I think worked really well as a team. We weren’t that focused though just took it has a bit of fun but it was fun and we got it done in the end but it was just a short story. I love making stop motion videos. I would do more because they are fun but I don’t want to do them again and again and again other wise it will probably get boring making them all the time. It was so much fun and I loved working with the girls.
Last lesson in visual arts Chelsea, Michaeal W, Jarrod and I created a stop frame animation about a young pet fish named sunny who dreams of going to the ocean. In his dream he meats new friends, a bully and a hungry shark. After he wakes from his dream a nightmare comes to life and he and his fishbowl are swallowed by a huge shark. We all contributed to this and worked well together. We all had heaps of fun!
Last lesson, Charlotte, Kahla, Imogen and I made a stop motion animation with our clay fish and we created a romance scene. It was really fun and I would like to do it again as a longer and take more time in actually planning it and filming the scene. We could’ve made the fish move a bit slower, picked a better spot to film it because we didn’t have a lot of room to film and created the scene and background a bit better. I think our group had great teamwork and we all contributed well. My fish was the lady that found love, Charlotte’s fish was the lover who found the lady and fought and killed the shark, and Imogen’s fish was the shark. I wish we could make it again because it was really fun thinking of a scene and creating the theme. I learned so much from this and could take what I learned and add it to my next stop motion animation.