What is abstract art?
Video Scribe
Abstract art is often difficult for students to understand or define, so I created this little clip on the Video Scribe app to help. It’s a really easy way to create beautiful and engaging presentations that incorporate images, words, music and voice overs.
If you haven’t used Video Scribe before, here is a good step-by-step guide and a clip by Paul Hamilton that takes you through the creation of a presentation. 10 Practical Ways to use VideoScribe in Education will give you some inspiration…and you’re ready to try it out!
Thinking About Abstract Art
Click here to see my Haiku Deck to introduce students to the elements of art – line, shape, form, color, texture, value & space.
Have you seen my iMovie introduction to a lesson on abstraction? Get teaching tips and watch a trailer that gets students excited about transforming a representational image into an abstract composition.
Use these lesson seeds to construct your own opportunities for students to engage with the process of abstraction. You’ll find this post is packed full of ideas for engaging tasks and links to our favourite apps.
The clip below was created in iMovie to show the process of abstraction – from one representational image (a still life) to an infinite variety of abstractions.
Check out these galleries to see the endless possibilities for abstract art using apps and creative workflows on the iPad.
Further Resources
Great intro to Mondrian, just a simple, quick look to start a lesson. I use it as students enter the room.